Two years ago, The Soil Health Institute released the documentary Living Soil. The film has quickly become the go-to guide for proper soil management and a widely used teaching tool. Living Soil has now reached 1 million views and is expected to continue growing.
Soil health has become a topic in the forefront of farming minds, creating better produce and nutrition, as well as sustainability, being just some of the potential benefits.
The film was made to show where soil health began and why it has become such an important phenomenon in the farming world. The documentary reflects on the beginning with the Dust Bowl and how the lack of care for soil health hurt future generations of crops, and the transitions to how today’s top farmers are working on their own soil health. The film depicts how good soil can improve the world around itself, creating healthier humans, more sustainability, better microorganism diversity, and stronger food systems.
In coordination with the teaching of the film the Soil Heath Institute has released high school and college lessons to be used to help develop an early understanding of soil health for the next generation of farmers. To join the 1 million people who have already seen Living Soil visit enjoy the film for free.