More people than ever are exploring options for being food self-reliant. Veggie gardens and even chicken coops are quite a common sight. The need for good and reliable information and suppliers for these endeavours is also growing.
I recently read a disturbing review about an organization that has appeared in our magazine. It may be a one off, dated or sour grapes, but it surprised me none the less.
More than that, this information under-scored the importance of doing research and of getting an expert opinion before starting a flock. Especially at this time of high risk, when diseases like avian influenza and Marek’s disease are circulating.
Organizations that market hatching eggs or chicks should offer information or discussion on their vaccine and bio-security programs. These programs can be fundamental to ensure that eggs and chicks receive a good start at the hatchery.
In terms of research, Google can be our friend. If there is negative comment or information to be found, Google is quite good at finding it. A simple search on an organization name should do the trick. Joining a small flock poultry group, asking a poultry owner or posing a question to commercial poultry organizations can also help.
Editor’s tip: Proceed with caution and do your homework before the chicken or the egg.