Local food week celebrations have come to an end in Ontario, but it is a week that celebrates shopping local and was celebrated the first week of June. The agri-food industry in Ontario revolves upon local food so it is important to recognize local food.
Agriculture has a long history in Ontario, and 60 percent of the food produced here is consumed locally. Local food producers are a big contribution to the province's economic well-being, ad buying and supporting local food encourages employment and economic progress.
The bounty of fresh, healthy food grown, produced, and processed right here in Ontario is celebrated during Local Food Week. Every day, farmers grow and produce food that is fresh, safe, and nutritious for all Ontarians to enjoy.
Local Food Week is a terrific way to promote Ontario's agriculture and food industry by promoting the more than 200 items produced and manufactured by Ontario farmers.
Many of these local food growers are of course, based on small farms. Alberta will celebrate its local food week August 8 to 15.