Manitoba has been regarded as a haven for affordable energy for farmers and other industrial work. But farmers in Manitoba are raising concerns. Farmer say new laws coming to the provincial government will threaten the the restrictions on electricity rate increases.
Farmers argue these changes could allow a constant increase in electricity costs over the foreseeable future. Although large scale farms and industry are most at risk to be harmed by the changes, small farms may experience some fall out as well. Whereas large farmers and factories are able to sign contracts for their electricity, small farmers may be forced to choose between tiered or Time of Use Pricing. Which pricing choice to select is difficult for small farmers who can’t predict the weather and therefore the wattage it might take to warm barns or keep heat lamps or humidifiers running. If the farmer chooses poorly between Tiered or Time of Use pricing, electricity could become a major expense.
If energy is a serious concern, there are number of ways small farmers can cut down on energy costs and keep livestock and greenhouse produce happy and healthy. Insulation is one of the best ways to cut energy costs, a well insulated barn or greenhouse will cost much less to heat and maintain. Integrating solar panels or sun pads can be great ways to use the sun’s heat for your own benefit and the entry costs are consistently falling.
For small farmers in Manitoba, the changing laws make now a great time to look into alternative energy and costs savings as the next five years may create a tough market for energy in the province.