Are you ready to make your garden flourish this July? Canada's a big country with lots of diversity, so exact timing for these tips may depend on your exact location. But, we've got you covered with expert tips for maintaining beautiful outdoor spaces. From deadheading to pest control, here's what you need to know:
Outdoor flowering plants and ornamentals:
- Deadhead annuals and perennials for a tidier appearance and prevent reseeding.
- Keep an eye out for diseased foliage on roses and practice sanitation by cleaning up fallen leaves. Treat diseases as needed.
- Water newly planted trees and shrubs thoroughly, especially if rainfall is scarce.
- Fertilize annual flowers every two weeks to keep them looking their best.
- Plant zinnias, cosmos, alyssum, pansies, marigolds, and cleome seeds in early July for late bloom in planters and borders.
- Pinch back chrysanthemums until July 8th or so for a compact shape and more fall blooms.
- Monitor trees and shrubs for pests, such as beetles
- Divide iris after blooming for healthy growth.
- Enjoy beautiful bouquets of flowers from your garden.
Vegetable gardening:
- Ensure even soil moisture to prevent blossom-end rot in tomatoes and peppers.
- Regularly irrigate and mulch around vegetable plants to conserve moisture and keep foliage dry to prevent diseases.
- Harvest potatoes when the tops die, and onions and garlic when the tops fall over and start turning brown.
- Make successive plantings of corn, beans, cucumbers, and summer squash for a prolonged harvest.
- Scout for insect and disease problems and follow label directions when using pesticides.
- Store ripe tomatoes between 55 to 60 degrees F, avoiding refrigeration.
- Harvest tomato heirloom varieties a couple of days before peak ripeness and store in a cool area.
- Fertilize established plantings of rhubarb and asparagus and stay on top of weed control.
By following these tips, you'll have a thriving garden with vibrant flowers and bountiful vegetable harvests. Happy gardening!